How to Photograph Yoga for Businesses

When you think of yoga, you generally think about flexible people contorting themselves into seemingly impossible poses. So, as a yoga instructor, how do you encourage first time students to get past the idea that yoga is hard?

By showing them.

Yoga photography doesn’t have to be a way for acrobatic yogis to show-off. It can be a way to gently educate potential students as to what they should expect walking into an unfamiliar environment, and a new experience. 
I’m going to teach you the best ways to capture professional, fun, and inspirational yoga photos. 

I’ll briefly discuss how angles, ‘vibes’, lighting, coloring, simplicity & modifications can help your photos serve their purpose.

Yoga Instructor Mari Gisele Yoga

How to Photograph Yoga for Businesses – Playing with Angles

The angles of your body are what makes yoga effective. Playing around with what angle you capture these angles can create truly unique photos.

Your yogi will be using these photos to make an impression. You want the people who come to their website to feel inspired to join their classes.

When your yogi is getting into a pose, play around with your positioning. You can take 10 different pictures of one pose at 10 different angles and pick your favorite.

If you are only capturing one angle, you are greatly limiting yourself.   

How to Photograph Yoga for Businesses – How do you capture ‘Vibes’?

A huge part of yoga is the vibes you get while practicing.

Capturing these vibes is a terrific way to let a potential student know what they will be getting themselves into.

You want whoever is looking at these photos to feel peaceful & calm.

So as you’re shooting & editing, keep this in mind.

How to Photograph Yoga for Businesses – Playing with lighting

Using natural lighting is my #1 suggestion. If you are in a studio setting your photos aren’t going to appear organic if all you have is umbrella lights.

Sunlight is your best friend when trying to capture the organic feel yoga photos should have.

This goes back to the ‘vibe’ of yoga. Organic is a major descriptor of yoga. So why would you use artificial light? This is the exact opposite of what is effective in drag photos as mentioned in my blog Capturing Unconventional Headshots.

How to Photograph Yoga for Businesses – Colors tell a story

Organic is a word I’m going to bring up several times, because it’s a part of yoga branding.

Color stories are an effective way to tell a story through photos.

So, in yoga photography what colors would work best?

That’s right – Organic colors.

What are organic colors?

 The general rule is that any color that the earth naturally makes is an organic color.

For inspiration on color stories, check out this site.  

How to Photograph Yoga for Businesses – Keep it simple

I think simplicity is underrated. Photographers always opt for using the ‘wow-factor’.

Now, this is for every photographer to decide for themselves. Just like an artist, you must find your own style and stick with it. This is your brand.

Yoga photography almost demands simplicity, since the movements need to have a platform to speak for itself.

So, if you want to be an over-the-top photographer, maybe don’t go into yoga photography. Or, if you do, make sure that is the vibe your yogi wants to convey. 

How to Photograph Yoga for Businesses – Modifications make yoga approachable

One of the first things you learn when you become an instructor is to constantly offer up modifications. It takes time to fully invert into a headstand.

So, capture your headstand, but also capture a couple modifications. Students have to know they are welcome at a beginner’s level.

How to Photograph Yoga for Businesses – Final thoughts

 Sessions with yogis are always an adventure. If you can, try to attend one of their classes beforehand so you know their flow and movement style.

Keep in mind

·         These are still business photos- keep it professional

·         Allow them time to warm up

·         Don’t be afraid to try new angles

·         Try to keep shooting, even during transitions

Happy Shooting!
Laura Rose-Grabinski
28 April 2017
Rose Weddings & Photography


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